Saturday, November 17, 2007

The demise of COSI Toledo

I'm still a bit in shock over the failure of the COSI levy. I find it incredible that Toledo voters would throw away millions of dollars of investment, an excellent resource for regional schools, and a great magnet to downtown Toledo. And at what cost, 5 or 10 bucks a year? What can I say... other than we'll be making even more trips to Ann Arbor when we move back to the area, as we have a tendency to spend a Saturday afternoon at a hands on museum about every month or two.

On a more positive note, thanks to those who supported organization, and more importantly thank you to the workers and the board members of COSI who have given us some great times over the years and touched our lives. We especially loved the Halloween parties.


Unknown said...

Hey Aaron,

In case you didn't know COSI Toledo is continuing to offer it's educational programs to schools in Michigan and Ohio. Check out their website for the latest information about what we still offer.


Aaron said...

Thank you Carl. It still amazes me that a city trying to transform itself into the new economy, touting itself as a great place to live, does not wish to keep its flagship downtown family friendly educational facility going for the general public. I've seen much better museums in smaller cities, avialable for completely free (funded completely from local taxes and grants). Toledo had the grants but chose to throw the investment away. Maybe COSI would find better support in a town like Perrysburg? Why not, everything else has fled this small minded city.

Anyways, sorry for the rant and thanks for the updated information Carl.