Wednesday, March 01, 2006

ok, I'll play along...

Jason tagged me, so I'll take the opportunity to talk about myself, this is my blog after all.

Four jobs I've Had...

  1. Paper delivery for the Defiance Crescent
  2. Field worker for Dekalb
  3. Short order cook for Frisch's Big Boy
  4. Warehouse grunt for Hardees

Four movies I can watch over and over...

  1. The Princess Bride
  2. Reservoir Dogs
  3. Dune (original)
  4. Forest Gump

Four TV shows I love to watch...

  1. In a Fix
  2. Charlie Rose
  3. BBC
  4. Project Runway?

Four places I've been on vacation...

  1. Cleveland, OH
  2. Ann Arbor, MI
  3. Dayton, OH
  4. Fort Wayne, IN

Pretty exotic huh? Yes, I've gone other places too.

Four favorite dishes...

  1. Anything my wife cooks (safe answer)
  2. Indian/British hot currie (not a narrow topic I know, terrible with names)
  3. pizza
  4. Sushi

Four websites I visit daily...


Four places I'd rather be...

  1. Everywhere
  2. nowhere
  3. somewhere
  4. underwear? (whoa! where did that come from?)

Four bloggers I'm tagging...

  1. Jim
  2. I've always sucked at tag...

If this were a scored test I'd barely pass, what a slacker!

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