Saturday, February 19, 2005

there and back again and there again...

JJ was kind enough to host a showing of the Return of the King, extended edition this evening on his 85" front projection TV. Peter Jackson could have cut so much from the ending (that drags on forever), and left in some of the terrific cut scenes from the beginning and middle. Still, it is an amazing movie based on a terrific story. Mr. Jackson, please recreate Dune!

Brian announced his eminent departure to St. Paul Minnesota today. He and Cyndi are auctioning off their belongings, selling the house, moving into a high rise, and starting anew. That is very inspiring considering they were in a very similar situation as Megan and I. There is no utopia, but we've always felt that there is much more to experience than what we've discovered in Toledo. We spend many-a-weekend foraging in Ann Arbor, maybe that would be a better location for us. The intentional communities, shopping, UU congregation, arts, education, and downtown are all perfection in terms of what we are looking for. What are the downsides? Its further away from family, housing costs twice as much, and job market is tighter. All of those make perfect sense when you consider it as a more desirable place to live.

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